Student Induction 2012

Chairman HE. Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Al Ghazali addressing the gathering..

Student Induction 2012

Dean, Dr. Haider Al Lawati, revealing his college days...

Monday 15 October 2012

Department Newsletter

As per the directives of the  Editorial Board's meeting, a Newsletter for the departmental activities/proceedings were asked to publish periodically. The creative stuffs such as the articles/write-ups/Techies/Fun & Learn activities are invited from the staff and students of the Computing department. Also, Creative names are invited for the newsletter and the annual magazine.  

Student Induction-2012

The Computing department resumed its academic propaganda by a warm welcome to the new students who have opted for the Computing Programmes. The meeting was cherished by the presence of the Chairman of the college, HE. Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Al –Ghazali and the Dean, Dr. Haider Ali Al-Lawati and the other dignitary members of the college.

The uniquely organized function started by the welcome speech by the Dr. Reshmy Krishnan, HOD, Department of Computing followed by the induction programme delivered to the  Full time students in both Arabic and English by Mr. ElRasheed Ismailand Mr.Gamal Abdel Nassir. The cheerful refreshments were also served during the meeting. The meeting was conducted in the astonishing ambiance of the Al Barza Auditorium on 2nd October 2012. 

The induction programme was conducted for the part time students on the same day at 4 P.M